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Our Executive Team


Professional male smiling in a black jacket, white shirt and yellow black spotted tieChief Executive Officer
Steve Glew

Steve joined Indigo as the Chief Executive Officer in March 2018. Steve brings a wealth of experience to the role having worked in senior executive positions for more than 15 years. 

Prior to his appointment at Indigo, Steve was an Executive Director at the Department for Child Protection and Family Support, where he was instrumental in growing and developing community services to meet changing priorities across social policy areas. Before this, Steve was the Manager of Strategic Planning and Policy for the Inclusive Education Directorate at the Department of Education and Training, where he gained considerable experience managing teams working within the disability sector. 

He has a strong track record in organisational achievement, reform initiatives, change management, policy development, innovation, corporate communications, governance, strategy and customer service. 

Steve’s significant experience and strong leadership skills have him well placed to lead Indigo into the future as the disability, aged and community care sectors undergo significant change.

Professional male smiling in a blue jacket, white shirt and black spotted tieChief Operating Officer
Peter Byrne

Peter has over 20 years of experience in the public sector with Senior Executive roles in Finance, Corporate Services and Information Technology. 

His senior leadership roles include the positions of Assistant Director of General Governance, Performance and Insights and Chief Information Officer for the Department of Communities, Director of Corporate Services for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet of WA, and Executive Director of Corporate Services for the Department of Corrective Services.

Peter has extensive experience in financial management, corporate governance and public policy, and has led direct service delivery functions in the areas of child protection, remote Aboriginal communities and emergency welfare response.

Peter holds a Master of Business Administration, is a CPA and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


Group Manager Aged Care
Joanne Lister

A highly successful Management Professional with a track record of delivery in the Aged Care, Disability and Health industries, Joanne has 30 years' experience in the not for profit sector with portfolios covering all regions of Australia including remote and regional areas.

She has a reputation for a strong work ethic in both the consumer driven and government contract markets, with proven success in implementation of new services, managing cost reduction projects, quality management systems and managing ongoing service delivery.

Her unique strengths include the ability to work with different stakeholders, prioritisation and planning skills.  Joanne joined Indigo in 2019 and is responsible for managing aged care services including the National Geat2GO program, home modifications and allied health services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

 Joanne is particularly focused on ensuring consumers in the aged care sector are involved in their care and decisions and are supported to remain living independently.


Our Management Team

Business Development and Sales Manager
Bernadette Mitchell-Armstrong


Finance Manager and Business Partner
Mary Ma


Digital Services and ICT Manager
Vilko Poznovia

Clinical Excellence Manager
Susan Brooks


Marketing and Communications Manager
Kate Murray



People and Culture Manager
Lisa Karabin

Professional female smiling with dark dark hair in a low pony wearing a black jacket and a black/white top






Aged Care Services Manager
Michelle Fernandes

Goods, Equipment, and Assistive Technology Program Manager
Karen Dorlandt